Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Micah's First Swim

Well, we had big plans to go to the pool in my parents' neighborhood today, but unfortunately
afer we packed a huge bag (i didn't realize how complicated taking a baby swimming could be) and lathered on the sunscreen we drove down there to find the pool was closed this weekend. So... we improvised with a blowup pool from Target! He still had a blast.
Since we were among family, we decided to let him swim in the buff. He loved it!While he's naked, why not give him a bath?
Drying off with his Grandpop.

All clean and handsome.


Allison said...

he is such a cutie. those eyes are beautiful! miss yall!

The Mom said...

He looks so grown up all of a sudden! He's so cute, and he looks like he's keeping y'all entertained.